/* This notice must be untouched at all times. Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved. wz_tooltip.js v. 5.31 The latest version is available at http://www.walterzorn.com or http://www.devira.com or http://www.walterzorn.de Created 1.12.2002 by Walter Zorn (Web: http://www.walterzorn.com ) Last modified: 7.11.2008 Easy-to-use cross-browser tooltips. Just include the script at the beginning of the
section, and invoke Tip('Tooltip text') to show and UnTip() to hide the tooltip, from the desired HTML eventhandlers. Example: My home page No container DIV required. By default, width and height of tooltips are automatically adapted to content. Is even capable of dynamically converting arbitrary HTML elements to tooltips by calling TagToTip('ID_of_HTML_element_to_be_converted') instead of Tip(), which means you can put important, search-engine-relevant stuff into tooltips. Appearance & behaviour of tooltips can be individually configured via commands passed to Tip() or TagToTip(). Tab Width: 4 LICENSE: LGPL This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details on the GNU Lesser General Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.php */ var config = new Object(); //=================== GLOBAL TOOLTIP CONFIGURATION =========================// var tt_Debug = true // false or true - recommended: false once you release your page to the public var tt_Enabled = true // Allows to (temporarily) suppress tooltips, e.g. by providing the user with a button that sets this global variable to false var TagsToTip = true // false or true - if true, HTML elements to be converted to tooltips via TagToTip() are automatically hidden; // if false, you should hide those HTML elements yourself // For each of the following config variables there exists a command, which is // just the variablename in uppercase, to be passed to Tip() or TagToTip() to // configure tooltips individually. Individual commands override global // configuration. Order of commands is arbitrary. // Example: onmouseover="Tip('Tooltip text', LEFT, true, BGCOLOR, '#FF9900', FADEIN, 400)" config. Above = false // false or true - tooltip above mousepointer config. BgColor = '#E2E7FF' // Background colour (HTML colour value, in quotes) config. BgImg = '' // Path to background image, none if empty string '' config. BorderColor = '#003099' config. BorderStyle = 'solid' // Any permitted CSS value, but I recommend 'solid', 'dotted' or 'dashed' config. BorderWidth = 1 config. CenterMouse = false // false or true - center the tip horizontally below (or above) the mousepointer config. ClickClose = false // false or true - close tooltip if the user clicks somewhere config. ClickSticky = false // false or true - make tooltip sticky if user left-clicks on the hovered element while the tooltip is active config. CloseBtn = false // false or true - closebutton in titlebar config. CloseBtnColors = ['#990000', '#FFFFFF', '#DD3333', '#FFFFFF'] // [Background, text, hovered background, hovered text] - use empty strings '' to inherit title colours config. CloseBtnText = ' X ' // Close button text (may also be an image tag) config. CopyContent = true // When converting a HTML element to a tooltip, copy only the element's content, rather than converting the element by its own config. Delay = 400 // Time span in ms until tooltip shows up config. Duration = 0 // Time span in ms after which the tooltip disappears; 0 for infinite duration, < 0="" for="" delay="" in="" ms="" _after_="" the="" onmouseout="" until="" the="" tooltip="" disappears="" config.="" exclusive="false" false="" or="" true="" -="" no="" other="" tooltip="" can="" appear="" until="" the="" current="" one="" has="" actively="" been="" closed="" config.="" fadein="100" fade-in="" duration="" in="" ms,="" e.g.="" 400;="" 0="" for="" no="" animation="" config.="" fadeout="100" config.="" fadeinterval="30" duration="" of="" each="" fade="" step="" in="" ms="" (recommended:="" 30)="" -="" shorter="" is="" smoother="" but="" causes="" more="" cpu-load="" config.="" fix="null" fixated="" position,="" two="" modes.="" mode="" 1:="" x-="" an="" y-coordinates="" in="" brackets,="" e.g.="" [210,="" 480].="" mode="" 2:="" show="" tooltip="" at="" a="" position="" related="" to="" an="" html="" element:="" [id="" of="" html="" element,="" x-offset,="" y-offset="" from="" html="" element],="" e.g.="" ['someid',="" 10,="" 30].="" value="" null="" (default)="" for="" no="" fixated="" positioning.="" config.="" followmouse="true" false="" or="" true="" -="" tooltip="" follows="" the="" mouse="" config.="" fontcolor="#000044" config.="" fontface="Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif" config.="" fontsize="8pt" e.g.="" '9pt'="" or="" '12px'="" -="" unit="" is="" mandatory="" config.="" fontweight="normal" 'normal'="" or="" 'bold';="" config.="" height="0" tooltip="" height;="" 0="" for="" automatic="" adaption="" to="" tooltip="" content,="">< 0="" (e.g.="" -100)="" for="" a="" maximum="" for="" automatic="" adaption="" config.="" jumphorz="false" false="" or="" true="" -="" jump="" horizontally="" to="" other="" side="" of="" mouse="" if="" tooltip="" would="" extend="" past="" clientarea="" boundary="" config.="" jumpvert="true" false="" or="" true="" -="" jump="" vertically="" "="" config.="" left="false" false="" or="" true="" -="" tooltip="" on="" the="" left="" of="" the="" mouse="" config.="" offsetx="14" horizontal="" offset="" of="" left-top="" corner="" from="" mousepointer="" config.="" offsety="8" vertical="" offset="" config.="" opacity="100" integer="" between="" 0="" and="" 100="" -="" opacity="" of="" tooltip="" in="" percent="" config.="" padding="3" spacing="" between="" border="" and="" content="" config.="" shadow="false" false="" or="" true="" config.="" shadowcolor="#C0C0C0" config.="" shadowwidth="5" config.="" sticky="false" false="" or="" true="" -="" fixate="" tip,="" ie.="" don't="" follow="" the="" mouse="" and="" don't="" hide="" on="" mouseout="" config.="" textalign="left" 'left',="" 'right'="" or="" 'justify'="" config.="" title="" default="" title="" text="" applied="" to="" all="" tips="" (no="" default="" title:="" empty="" string="" '')="" config.="" titlealign="left" 'left'="" or="" 'right'="" -="" text="" alignment="" inside="" the="" title="" bar="" config.="" titlebgcolor="" if="" empty="" string="" '',="" bordercolor="" will="" be="" used="" config.="" titlefontcolor="#FFFFFF" color="" of="" title="" text="" -="" if="" '',="" bgcolor="" (of="" tooltip="" body)="" will="" be="" used="" config.="" titlefontface="" if="" ''="" use="" fontface="" (boldified)="" config.="" titlefontsize="" if="" ''="" use="" fontsize="" config.="" titlepadding="2" config.="" width="0" tooltip="" width;="" 0="" for="" automatic="" adaption="" to="" tooltip="" content;="">< -1="" (e.g.="" -240)="" for="" a="" maximum="" width="" for="" that="" automatic="" adaption;="" -1:="" tooltip="" width="" confined="" to="" the="" width="" required="" for="" the="" titlebar="" =="=====" end="" of="" tooltip="" config,="" do="" not="" change="" anything="" below="=============//" =="===================" public="============================================//" function="" tip()="" {="" tt_tip(arguments,="" null);="" }="" function="" tagtotip()="" {="" var="" t2t="tt_GetElt(arguments[0]);" if(t2t)="" tt_tip(arguments,="" t2t);="" }="" function="" untip()="" {="" tt_oprehref();="" if(tt_av[duration]="">< 0="" &&="" (tt_istate="" &="" 0x2))="" tt_tdurt.timer("tt_hideinit()",="" -tt_av[duration],="" true);="" else="" if(!(tt_av[sticky]="" &&="" (tt_istate="" &="" 0x2)))="" tt_hideinit();="" }="" =="================" public="" plugin="" api="====================================//" extension="" eventhandlers="" currently="" supported:="" onloadconfig,="" oncreatecontentstring,="" onsubdivscreated,="" onshow,="" onmovebefore,="" onmoveafter,="" onhideinit,="" onhide,="" onkill="" var="" tt_aelt="new" array(10),="" container="" div,="" outer="" title="" &="" body="" divs,="" inner="" title="" &="" body="" tds,="" closebutton="" span,="" shadow="" divs,="" and="" iframe="" to="" cover="" windowed="" elements="" in="" ie="" tt_av="new" array(),="" caches="" and="" enumerates="" config="" data="" for="" currently="" active="" tooltip="" tt_scontent,="" inner="" tooltip="" text="" or="" html="" tt_t2t,="" tt_t2tdad,="" tag="" converted="" to="" tip,="" and="" its="" dom="" parent="" element="" tt_musx,="" tt_musy,="" tt_over,="" tt_x,="" tt_y,="" tt_w,="" tt_h;="" position,="" width="" and="" height="" of="" currently="" displayed="" tooltip="" function="" tt_extension()="" {="" tt_extcmdenum();="" tt_aext[tt_aext.length]="this;" return="" this;="" }="" function="" tt_settippos(x,="" y)="" {="" var="" css="tt_aElt[0].style;" tt_x="x;" tt_y="y;" css.left="x" +="" "px";="" css.top="y" +="" "px";="" if(tt_ie56)="" {="" var="" ifrm="tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length" -="" 1];="" if(ifrm)="" {="" ifrm.style.left="css.left;" ifrm.style.top="css.top;" }="" }="" }="" function="" tt_hideinit()="" {="" if(tt_istate)="" {="" tt_extcallfncs(0,="" "hideinit");="" tt_istate="" &="~(0x4" |="" 0x8);="" if(tt_flagopa="" &&="" tt_av[fadeout])="" {="" tt_tfade.endtimer();="" if(tt_opa)="" {="" var="" n="Math.round(tt_aV[FADEOUT]" (tt_av[fadeinterval]="" *="" (tt_av[opacity]="" tt_opa)));="" tt_fade(tt_opa,="" tt_opa,="" 0,="" n);="" return;="" }="" }="" tt_thide.timer("tt_hide();",="" 1,="" false);="" }="" }="" function="" tt_hide()="" {="" if(tt_db="" &&="" tt_istate)="" {="" tt_oprehref();="" if(tt_istate="" &="" 0x2)="" {="" tt_aelt[0].style.visibility="hidden" ;="" tt_extcallfncs(0,="" "hide");="" }="" tt_tshow.endtimer();="" tt_thide.endtimer();="" tt_tdurt.endtimer();="" tt_tfade.endtimer();="" if(!tt_op="" &&="" !tt_ie)="" {="" tt_twaitmov.endtimer();="" tt_bwait="false;" }="" if(tt_av[clickclose]="" ||="" tt_av[clicksticky])="" tt_remevtfnc(document,="" "mouseup",="" tt_onlclick);="" tt_extcallfncs(0,="" "kill");="" in="" case="" of="" a="" tagtotip="" tip,="" hide="" converted="" dom="" node="" and="" re-insert="" it="" into="" dom="" if(tt_t2t="" &&="" !tt_av[copycontent])="" tt_unel2tip();="" tt_istate="0;" tt_over="null;" tt_resetmaindiv();="" if(tt_aelt[tt_aelt.length="" -="" 1])="" tt_aelt[tt_aelt.length="" -="" 1].style.display="none" ;="" }="" }="" function="" tt_getelt(id)="" {="" return(document.getelementbyid="" document.getelementbyid(id)="" :="" document.all="" document.all[id]="" :="" null);="" }="" function="" tt_getdivw(el)="" {="" return(el="" (el.offsetwidth="" ||="" el.style.pixelwidth="" ||="" 0)="" :="" 0);="" }="" function="" tt_getdivh(el)="" {="" return(el="" (el.offsetheight="" ||="" el.style.pixelheight="" ||="" 0)="" :="" 0);="" }="" function="" tt_getscrollx()="" {="" return(window.pagexoffset="" ||="" (tt_db="" (tt_db.scrollleft="" ||="" 0)="" :="" 0));="" }="" function="" tt_getscrolly()="" {="" return(window.pageyoffset="" ||="" (tt_db="" (tt_db.scrolltop="" ||="" 0)="" :="" 0));="" }="" function="" tt_getclientw()="" {="" return="" tt_getwndclisiz("width");="" }="" function="" tt_getclienth()="" {="" return="" tt_getwndclisiz("height");="" }="" function="" tt_getevtx(e)="" {="" return="" (e="" ((typeof(e.pagex)="" !="tt_u)" e.pagex="" :="" (e.clientx="" +="" tt_getscrollx()))="" :="" 0);="" }="" function="" tt_getevty(e)="" {="" return="" (e="" ((typeof(e.pagey)="" !="tt_u)" e.pagey="" :="" (e.clienty="" +="" tt_getscrolly()))="" :="" 0);="" }="" function="" tt_addevtfnc(el,="" sevt,="" pfnc)="" {="" if(el)="" {="" if(el.addeventlistener)="" el.addeventlistener(sevt,="" pfnc,="" false);="" else="" el.attachevent("on"="" +="" sevt,="" pfnc);="" }="" }="" function="" tt_remevtfnc(el,="" sevt,="" pfnc)="" {="" if(el)="" {="" if(el.removeeventlistener)="" el.removeeventlistener(sevt,="" pfnc,="" false);="" else="" el.detachevent("on"="" +="" sevt,="" pfnc);="" }="" }="" function="" tt_getdad(el)="" {="" return(el.parentnode="" ||="" el.parentelement="" ||="" el.offsetparent);="" }="" function="" tt_movdomnode(el,="" dadfrom,="" dadto)="" {="" if(dadfrom)="" dadfrom.removechild(el);="" if(dadto)="" dadto.appendchild(el);="" }="" =="====================" private="==========================================//" var="" tt_aext="new" array(),="" array="" of="" extension="" objects="" tt_db,="" tt_op,="" tt_ie,="" tt_ie56,="" tt_bboxold,="" browser="" flags="" tt_body,="" tt_ovr_,="" html="" element="" the="" mouse="" is="" currently="" over="" tt_flagopa,="" opacity="" support:="" 1="IE," 2="Khtml," 3="KHTML," 4="Moz," 5="W3C" tt_maxposx,="" tt_maxposy,="" tt_istate="0," tooltip="" active="" |="1," shown="" |="2," move="" with="" mouse="" |="4," exclusive="" |="8" tt_opa,="" currently="" applied="" opacity="" tt_bjmpvert,="" tt_bjmphorz,//="" tip="" temporarily="" on="" other="" side="" of="" mouse="" tt_eldehref,="" the="" tag="" from="" which="" we've="" removed="" the="" href="" attribute="" timer="" tt_tshow="new" number(0),="" tt_thide="new" number(0),="" tt_tdurt="new" number(0),="" tt_tfade="new" number(0),="" tt_twaitmov="new" number(0),="" tt_bwait="false," tt_u="undefined" ;="" function="" tt_init()="" {="" tt_mkcmdenum();="" send="" old="" browsers="" instantly="" to="" hell="" if(!tt_browser()="" ||="" !tt_mkmaindiv())="" return;="" tt_isw3cbox();="" tt_opasupport();="" tt_addevtfnc(document,="" "mousemove",="" tt_move);="" in="" debug="" mode="" we="" search="" for="" tagtotip()="" calls="" in="" order="" to="" notify="" the="" user="" if="" they've="" forgotten="" to="" set="" the="" tagstotip="" config="" flag="" if(tagstotip="" ||="" tt_debug)="" tt_setonloadfnc();="" ensure="" the="" tip="" be="" hidden="" when="" the="" page="" unloads="" tt_addevtfnc(window,="" "unload",="" tt_hide);="" }="" creates="" command="" names="" by="" translating="" config="" variable="" names="" to="" upper="" case="" function="" tt_mkcmdenum()="" {="" var="" n="0;" for(var="" i="" in="" config)="" eval("window."="" +="" i.tostring().touppercase()="" +="" "=" + n++); tt_aV.length = n; } function tt_Browser() { var n, nv, n6, w3c; n = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), nv = navigator.appVersion; tt_op = (document.defaultView && typeof(eval(" w"="" +="" "indow"="" +="" "."="" +="" "o"="" +="" "p"="" +="" "er"="" +="" "a"))="" !="tt_u);" tt_ie="n.indexOf("msie")" !="-1" &&="" document.all="" &&="" !tt_op;="" if(tt_ie)="" {="" var="" ieold="(!document.compatMode" ||="" document.compatmode="=" "backcompat");="" tt_db="!ieOld" document.documentelement="" :="" (document.body="" ||="" null);="" if(tt_db)="" tt_ie56="parseFloat(nv.substring(nv.indexOf("MSIE")" +="" 5))="">= 5.5 && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight == tt_u; } else { tt_db = document.documentElement || document.body || (document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] : null); if(!tt_op) { n6 = document.defaultView && typeof document.defaultView.getComputedStyle != tt_u; w3c = !n6 && document.getElementById; } } tt_body = (document.getElementsByTagName ? document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] : (document.body || null)); if(tt_ie || n6 || tt_op || w3c) { if(tt_body && tt_db) { if(document.attachEvent || document.addEventListener) return true; } else tt_Err("wz_tooltip.js must be included INSIDE the body section," + " immediately after the opening tag.", false); } tt_db = null; return false; } function tt_MkMainDiv() { // Create the tooltip DIV if(tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML) tt_body.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", tt_MkMainDivHtm()); else if(typeof tt_body.innerHTML != tt_u && document.createElement && tt_body.appendChild) tt_body.appendChild(tt_MkMainDivDom()); if(window.tt_GetMainDivRefs /* FireFox Alzheimer */ && tt_GetMainDivRefs()) return true; tt_db = null; return false; } function tt_MkMainDivHtm() { return( '' + (tt_ie56 ? ('') : '') ); } function tt_MkMainDivDom() { var el = document.createElement("div"); if(el) el.id = "WzTtDiV"; return el; } function tt_GetMainDivRefs() { tt_aElt[0] = tt_GetElt("WzTtDiV"); if(tt_ie56 && tt_aElt[0]) { tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1] = tt_GetElt("WzTtIfRm"); if(!tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1]) tt_aElt[0] = null; } if(tt_aElt[0]) { var css = tt_aElt[0].style; css.visibility = "hidden"; css.position = "absolute"; css.overflow = "hidden"; return true; } return false; } function tt_ResetMainDiv() { tt_SetTipPos(0, 0); tt_aElt[0].innerHTML = ""; tt_aElt[0].style.width = "0px"; tt_h = 0; } function tt_IsW3cBox() { var css = tt_aElt[0].style; css.padding = "10px"; css.width = "40px"; tt_bBoxOld = (tt_GetDivW(tt_aElt[0]) == 40); css.padding = "0px"; tt_ResetMainDiv(); } function tt_OpaSupport() { var css = tt_body.style; tt_flagOpa = (typeof(css.KhtmlOpacity) != tt_u) ? 2 : (typeof(css.KHTMLOpacity) != tt_u) ? 3 : (typeof(css.MozOpacity) != tt_u) ? 4 : (typeof(css.opacity) != tt_u) ? 5 : (typeof(css.filter) != tt_u) ? 1 : 0; } // Ported from http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/ // (Dean Edwards et al.) function tt_SetOnloadFnc() { tt_AddEvtFnc(document, "DOMContentLoaded", tt_HideSrcTags); tt_AddEvtFnc(window, "load", tt_HideSrcTags); if(tt_body.attachEvent) tt_body.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function() { if(tt_body.readyState == "complete") tt_HideSrcTags(); } ); if(/WebKit|KHTML/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var t = setInterval(function() { if(/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) { clearInterval(t); tt_HideSrcTags(); } }, 10); } } function tt_HideSrcTags() { if(!window.tt_HideSrcTags || window.tt_HideSrcTags.done) return; window.tt_HideSrcTags.done = true; if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(tt_body)) tt_Err("There are HTML elements to be converted to tooltips.\nIf you" + " want these HTML elements to be automatically hidden, you" + " must edit wz_tooltip.js, and set TagsToTip in the global" + " tooltip configuration to true.", true); } function tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(dad) { var ovr, asT2t; // Walk the DOM tree for tags that have an onmouseover or onclick attribute // containing a TagToTip('...') call. // (.childNodes first since .children is bugous in Safari) var a = dad.childNodes || dad.children || null; for(var i = a ? a.length : 0; i;) {--i; if(!tt_HideSrcTagsRecurs(a[i])) return false; ovr = a[i].getAttribute ? (a[i].getAttribute("onmouseover") || a[i].getAttribute("onclick")) : (typeof a[i].onmouseover == "function") ? (a[i].onmouseover || a[i].onclick) : null; if(ovr) { asT2t = ovr.toString().match(/TagToTip\s*\(\s*'[^'.]+'\s*[\),]/); if(asT2t && asT2t.length) { if(!tt_HideSrcTag(asT2t[0])) return false; } } } return true; } function tt_HideSrcTag(sT2t) { var id, el; // The ID passed to the found TagToTip() call identifies an HTML element // to be converted to a tooltip, so hide that element id = sT2t.replace(/.+'([^'.]+)'.+/, "$1"); el = tt_GetElt(id); if(el) { if(tt_Debug && !TagsToTip) return false; else el.style.display = "none"; } else tt_Err("Invalid ID\n'" + id + "'\npassed to TagToTip()." + " There exists no HTML element with that ID.", true); return true; } function tt_Tip(arg, t2t) { if(!tt_db || (tt_iState & 0x8)) return; if(tt_iState) tt_Hide(); if(!tt_Enabled) return; tt_t2t = t2t; if(!tt_ReadCmds(arg)) return; tt_iState = 0x1 | 0x4; tt_AdaptConfig1(); tt_MkTipContent(arg); tt_MkTipSubDivs(); tt_FormatTip(); tt_bJmpVert = false; tt_bJmpHorz = false; tt_maxPosX = tt_GetClientW() + tt_GetScrollX() - tt_w - 1; tt_maxPosY = tt_GetClientH() + tt_GetScrollY() - tt_h - 1; tt_AdaptConfig2(); // Ensure the tip be shown and positioned before the first onmousemove tt_OverInit(); tt_ShowInit(); tt_Move(); } function tt_ReadCmds(a) { var i; // First load the global config values, to initialize also values // for which no command is passed i = 0; for(var j in config) tt_aV[i++] = config[j]; // Then replace each cached config value for which a command is // passed (ensure the # of command args plus value args be even) if(a.length & 1) { for(i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 2) tt_aV[a[i - 1]] = a[i]; return true; } tt_Err("Incorrect call of Tip() or TagToTip().\n" + "Each command must be followed by a value.", true); return false; } function tt_AdaptConfig1() { tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "LoadConfig"); // Inherit unspecified title formattings from body if(!tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR].length) tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR] = tt_aV[BORDERCOLOR]; if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR].length) tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR] = tt_aV[BGCOLOR]; if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE].length) tt_aV[TITLEFONTFACE] = tt_aV[FONTFACE]; if(!tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE].length) tt_aV[TITLEFONTSIZE] = tt_aV[FONTSIZE]; if(tt_aV[CLOSEBTN]) { // Use title colours for non-specified closebutton colours if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS]) tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS] = new Array("", "", "", ""); for(var i = 4; i;) {--i; if(!tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i].length) tt_aV[CLOSEBTNCOLORS][i] = (i & 1) ? tt_aV[TITLEFONTCOLOR] : tt_aV[TITLEBGCOLOR]; } // Enforce titlebar be shown if(!tt_aV[TITLE].length) tt_aV[TITLE] = " "; } // Circumvents broken display of images and fade-in flicker in Geckos < 1.8="" if(tt_av[opacity]="=" 100="" &&="" typeof="" tt_aelt[0].style.mozopacity="" !="tt_u" &&="" !array.every)="" tt_av[opacity]="99;" smartly="" shorten="" the="" delay="" for="" fade-in="" tooltips="" if(tt_av[fadein]="" &&="" tt_flagopa="" &&="" tt_av[delay]=""> 100) tt_aV[DELAY] = Math.max(tt_aV[DELAY] - tt_aV[FADEIN], 100); } function tt_AdaptConfig2() { if(tt_aV[CENTERMOUSE]) { tt_aV[OFFSETX] -= ((tt_w - (tt_aV[SHADOW] ? tt_aV[SHADOWWIDTH] : 0)) >> 1); tt_aV[JUMPHORZ] = false; } } // Expose content globally so extensions can modify it function tt_MkTipContent(a) { if(tt_t2t) { if(tt_aV[COPYCONTENT]) tt_sContent = tt_t2t.innerHTML; else tt_sContent = ""; } else tt_sContent = a[0]; tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "CreateContentString"); } function tt_MkTipSubDivs() { var sCss = 'position:relative;margin:0px;padding:0px;border-width:0px;left:0px;top:0px;line-height:normal;width:auto;', sTbTrTd = ' cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="' + sCss + '">' + '' + tt_aV[CLOSEBTNTEXT] + ' | ') : '') + '